Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Go Girl: Angels!

From my library trip yesterday, I acquired an.... interesting book called Go Girl: Angels! It's about these six girls, I think their names are Bonnie, Lucy, Annabelle, Chloe, Lola and Sophie (the only reason I remeber their names is because I looked in the book :P) Well, there's this school project and they have to do all this stuff as a team. There are five more books in the series, though I'm not too excited about reading them... oh, stuff it. I'll just do the blurb:

"Anything is possible when girls team together! Bonnie is super excited about a new project at school. She wants to win the prize! But who's going to be on her team?"

Wow, dramatic isn't it? I'd reccomend this for readers aged 7-10, or someone who likes girly teamy stuff.

5: AWESOME! 4: Great! 3: It's cool :) 2: Well, OK....
1: I wouldn't read this.

I give Go Girl: Angels!: ☻☺☺☺☺ out of ☻☻☻☻☻
(Well, that's just my opinion. I'm an 11 year old who gets bored easily)

~ Pia