Monday, January 9, 2012


Hi, it's me again, and I'm reviewing this book called Cherub: The Recruit. The Recruit is the start of a series of books called Cherub (as seen above) and the Recruit is really cool. Basically, it's about this spy organization set somewhere in the British countryside, and if a child is smart enough (and their parents die.. that's a downside) they are sent to Cherub. Once you get there you're basically tested, and educated and stuff until basic training begins. Basic training is 100 days of hell, so whatever happens on missions you won't be afraid of.
After you pass basic training, you can be sent off on missions anytime. The hero is a 13 year-old kid named James Choke. His mum dies, and he and his sister Lauren are sent to Cherub. They must change their identity, so he changed his name to James Adams. He passes basic training, and then is
sent off to a place called Fort Harmony, where he has to destroy a terrorist group. I'd really recommend this for readers aged 11-15, because some gory stuff happens and some stuff isn't appropriate. After this book, there is a whole lotta others, so you'll never be bored. I recommend this for
people interested in adventure, but it's good for anyone.
Read it. Or else.
~ Pia
Oh, and also for my blog I'll be rating it out of smiley faces.
5: AWESOME! 4: Great! 3: It's cool :) 2: Well, OK.... 1: I wouldn't read this.
I give Cherub: ☻☻☻☻☻ out of ☻☻☻☻☻